Saturday, March 29, 2014

Jonah 3 & 4

Jonah 3 & 4

This book keeps getting better and I am growing in wisdom with it.

After Jonah gets spit out by the fish, he wants to obey God now - wouldn't you?

I like how She Reads Truth put it: "Jonah guzzles grace like he's never been thirstier for it, but then, without missing a beat, he does something revolutionary, he obeys!"

God commanded Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh and proclaim the message, again, and Jonah went.  (v. 3 1-3)  After Jonah proclaimed, "forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown", the ninevites believed God.  Then a fast was proclaimed and all of them put on sackcloth. (v. 3:4-5)  The king of Nineveh heard the message and he rose from his throne and put on the sackcloth and sat down in dust.  He told the people, animals, flocks and herds to not eat or drink anything and to be covered with sackcloth.  He told them to urgently call on God and give up their evil ways and violence.  "Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so we will not perish"  Seriously - let's point out that the he said who knows, God may or may not relent.  But God did relent and didn't bring the destruction he had threatened.  (v. 3: 6-10)

It's hard to be obedient to the Lord, but it is a responsibility Christ followers have.  Most of the time, we are more likely to obey when things in our life are going bad because we want it to come to an end. We seek the Lord more in the bad trials of life - it's true.  Just like the ninevites, they heard that the city would be overthrown in 40 days and the bible says the ninevites believed God, they fasted and obeyed.  What I love the most about this part of Jonah, is when the king fasted as well and told the people to not eat or drink and end their evil ways, he also said, who knows? the lord may relent and turn from his anger and we will not perish.  He was willing to obey either way.  Good or bad.  God did relent and did not bring destruction on Nineveh. 

God wants you to obey for a reason.  He is God, after all.  Sometimes really painful things come out of you putting your obedience in the Lord, but there is a reason for that pain.  God doesn't want to hurt you, he wants to see if you are willing to put your full trust in Him and obey to what he says.  When we don't do that, he can take some things away from you, but  it is to help you.  I can think back from some of the most painful times I have been through and now I can clearly see why God allowed that to happen, and I'm thankful I obeyed him through that time in my life.  And then I think back at the times I didn't exactly obey the Lord, and still have really painful things happen, but I learned from that and can see why God wanted me to obey.  God is God, simple as that.  The creator of the Universe, the maker of humans, the ultimate love. Let's learn to obey, even when times are hard and good!

"Repentance is about what God is doing, not what we do to gain any kind of merit."- SRT writings.

Annnnnd, after I just wrote a book about obedience, chapter 4 takes a turn.......

Jonah gets selfish.  He thought it seemed wrong and became angry.  He knew the Lord would be gracious and compassionate to this city and he didn't want to go out and do what God had commanded him to do.  (perfect example as to how we react when God calls us to do something but we think we know the outcome anyway and we shouldn't have to do that.)  Jonah wants to die.  He literally asks God to take his life.  (v. 4:1-4)  Jonah goes out and finds a place east of the city and makes himself a shelter.  God then provides a leafy plant to give shade and Jonah is very happy about that.  God provides a worm to chew the plant.  Then He provides a scorching east wind and the sun starts blazing on Jonah's head and he is faint.  He told God he wanted to die again.  (v. 4:5-8)

In verse 4:10-11: God is saying here, Jonah, you are the same as the people of the city of Nineveh and I give the same mercy and compassion.  Y'all, God doesn't pick and choose who He graciously gives mercy to, we are all undeserving (so very undeserving) and yet He still loves us and gives us that mercy and grace. 

"over and over God grants mercy and provisions to his undeserving child.

over and over, the Lord grants the same mercy to his other (also undeserving child)." -srt writings

obedience. mercy. grace.

thank Jesus for that today.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Jonah 1 & 2

Jonah 1 & 2

Jonah, big fish, three days & nights: what I learned in Sunday school.

Last week, I started the book of Jonah bible study with She Reads Truth, and y'all, I have learned so much about him. 

First off, lets remember, God CALLED Jonah.

He called Jonah to preach repentance to a crazy-wicked city.  And he disobeyed because he didn't think those people deserved God's mercy. (srt writings)

I can't count how many times I have felt that I couldn't be forgiven because I've gone too far out.  But, this is God we are talking about, who forgives and saves.  Bless HIM!

recap of chapter 1 & 2 - Jonah ran from the Lord when he called him, he headed for Tarshish and got on a ship. (v.1:3) God sent a huge storm and the sailors aboard cried out to their own gods. (v. 1:5) Jonah had gone below deck to sleep, and the sailor asked him "how can you sleep? call on your god and see if he will take notice!" (v. 1:6) The sailors deciding to cast lots and one lot fell on Jonah.  He had told them who he was and that he worships the God of Heaven.  The sailors asked Jonah what they needed to do for the storm to stop and Jonah replied by saying pick me up and throw me into the sea and it will become calm. (v. 1:10-12) The sailors cried out to God and asked Him to not take their lives for taking this mans life! (v.1:13-14) They threw Jonah overboard and the raging sea grew calm.  The men greatly feared the Lord. (v.1: 15-16)  The Lord had a huge fish ready to swallow Jonah and he was in the belly of the fish for three days and nights. And inside Jonah prayed to the Lord. (v. 2: 1-10)

A lot happening in these two chapters but so much wisdom I have got out of this.

God LOVES Jonah.  He makes the storm crazy to get his attention.  Moves the sailors to call out to their gods for help and incites the sailors to ferret out Jonah's secret. God shows His will with the casting of lots. (srt writings)

GOD WANTED JONAH.... and we can't escape God. (as you see)

Our sin doesn't just affect us, it affects the people around us. Jonah ran far from God and put the sailors in jeopardy.  But, he realized his choice has caused too much and he GAVE everything to reconcile with God.  HIS life.

but God is teaching a lesson through this mess of a storm.  It's not easy.  It's scary.  but lets trust in the King of Kings.  God wanted Jonah to preach to the wicked city for A reason. He did pick JONAH after all! Lets not run from that.

Wouldn't it be so much easier to obey what God is telling you to do, then get so deep in your sin, you just keep on making bad choices and cause hurt and pain around you. 

"We serve a God of second, seventh, forty-second chances. A God who provides mercy in the strangest and most miraculous of places.  He will not leave us storm tossed and fish bellied forever.  There is new life on the other side of our storms, including those we bring upon ourselves."  (srt writings)

and even when you are so tied up in your own storm, God will provide mercy and grace and forgiveness and love and even a lesson learned. 

Rest in that today!!

If you want to follow along with the rest of She Reads Truth, go to and go from there :)

love all,
saved from