Jonah, big fish, three days & nights: what I learned in Sunday school.
Last week, I started the book of Jonah bible study with She Reads Truth, and y'all, I have learned so much about him.
First off, lets remember, God CALLED Jonah.
He called Jonah to preach repentance to a crazy-wicked city. And he disobeyed because he didn't think those people deserved God's mercy. (srt writings)
I can't count how many times I have felt that I couldn't be forgiven because I've gone too far out. But, this is God we are talking about, who forgives and saves. Bless HIM!
recap of chapter 1 & 2 - Jonah ran from the Lord when he called him, he headed for Tarshish and got on a ship. (v.1:3) God sent a huge storm and the sailors aboard cried out to their own gods. (v. 1:5) Jonah had gone below deck to sleep, and the sailor asked him "how can you sleep? call on your god and see if he will take notice!" (v. 1:6) The sailors deciding to cast lots and one lot fell on Jonah. He had told them who he was and that he worships the God of Heaven. The sailors asked Jonah what they needed to do for the storm to stop and Jonah replied by saying pick me up and throw me into the sea and it will become calm. (v. 1:10-12) The sailors cried out to God and asked Him to not take their lives for taking this mans life! (v.1:13-14) They threw Jonah overboard and the raging sea grew calm. The men greatly feared the Lord. (v.1: 15-16) The Lord had a huge fish ready to swallow Jonah and he was in the belly of the fish for three days and nights. And inside Jonah prayed to the Lord. (v. 2: 1-10)
A lot happening in these two chapters but so much wisdom I have got out of this.
God LOVES Jonah. He makes the storm crazy to get his attention. Moves the sailors to call out to their gods for help and incites the sailors to ferret out Jonah's secret. God shows His will with the casting of lots. (srt writings)
GOD WANTED JONAH.... and we can't escape God. (as you see)
Our sin doesn't just affect us, it affects the people around us. Jonah ran far from God and put the sailors in jeopardy. But, he realized his choice has caused too much and he GAVE everything to reconcile with God. HIS life.
but God is teaching a lesson through this mess of a storm. It's not easy. It's scary. but lets trust in the King of Kings. God wanted Jonah to preach to the wicked city for A reason. He did pick JONAH after all! Lets not run from that.
Wouldn't it be so much easier to obey what God is telling you to do, then get so deep in your sin, you just keep on making bad choices and cause hurt and pain around you.
"We serve a God of second, seventh, forty-second chances. A God who provides mercy in the strangest and most miraculous of places. He will not leave us storm tossed and fish bellied forever. There is new life on the other side of our storms, including those we bring upon ourselves." (srt writings)
and even when you are so tied up in your own storm, God will provide mercy and grace and forgiveness and love and even a lesson learned.
Rest in that today!!
If you want to follow along with the rest of She Reads Truth, go to and go from there :)
love all,
saved from
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