Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Proverbs 31 Woman

Sorry it's been so long! I've been around the world and back the past week. Hope you all are doing well!

I feel like I just need to share my favorite verse to all you special ladies out there. Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed in strength and diginity, and she laughs without fear of the future."
That verse to me is so moving! It always reminds me who I am and Who's I am.

My awesome new bible I just got tonight has a whole page over the Proverbs 31 woman and it points out a lot of different things a Proverbs 31 woman should be.

-Her gift to those around her is undying love for God, which takes her out of herself and gives her the confidence to create oppertunities to prosper.

-She is able, by the help of God, to do more than the average person could do because she doesn't rely on her own strength but on his.

-She speaks wisdom that comes from her faith in God and his Holy Spirit.

-The words of the God Girl encourage and admonish and never belittle or despise. (AMEN!)

-Peace, hope, and love are hers, and because of that others call her, like the women who have come before her, blessed.

While I was in El Salvador, the first day we went to CIPI, also a governent owned orphanage. It had special needs kids, teen girls, teen moms and their babies, and abandoned babies. My group went to the teen moms area. There was about 6 moms, they all had a twin bed, and one tiny dresser of their own. It was terribly sad but I guess better then what some had lived in before. Our translater, Sarah, told us to share our favorite bible verse to the girls. I told them my favorite verse was Proverbs 31:25. They asked why? I told them to me, it defines a godly woman. I then got to hand out two spanish bibles to the girls to share. Hoping that I made a difference in those 6 girls lives and they know that our heavenly father can save them from their sorrow and pain.

Thanks for reading! Have a great night.

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